Approved at UDK ry’s spring meeting on March 30th, 2021
The purpose of UDK ry’s Equality Plan is to clarify and support the association in adhering to the principles of equality and non-discrimination in all its activities. Equality is one of UDK’s core values and permeates all of our association’s actions and activities. Equality is not a separate aspect but a central theme in everything we do. UDK’s goal is for every student to have equal opportunities to progress in their studies, participate in UDK events, access information about the association’s and university’s activities, and be part of the entire university community.
What is Equality and Accessibility?
Equality refers to the equal value of people, regardless of their age, gender, ethnic or national background, language, religion or other beliefs, opinion, disability or health status, sexual orientation, or other reasons regarding them as a person. UDK does not allow these factors to affect a person's opportunity to participate in the organization’s activities, events, or their eligibility for election to the board or officer positions. UDK does not tolerate any form of discrimination, and the Finnish Constitution (731/1999, § 6) prohibits all discrimination based on personal characteristics. Additionally, the Equality Act (609/1986) covers gender equality, and the Non-Discrimination Act (21/2004, § 6) addresses other grounds for discrimination.
Accessibility refers to an environment where all people can function equally, regardless of their characteristics or life circumstances. Physical spaces and services should be accessible to everyone, regardless of, for example, mobility or the use of assistive devices. UDK strives to organize its events primarily in accessible venues, and if this is not possible, any barriers to accessibility will be communicated in the event description.
How Does UDK Implement Equality?
UDK participates in the Discrimination-Free Zone campaign and is thus committed to treating all members equally, regardless of their gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or belief, opinion, health status, disability, or sexual orientation. A Discrimination-Free Zone sign is displayed in a visible place in the organization’s room to remind members of this commitment.
UDK’s board meetings are open to all members, and the agendas are usually sent out a week before the meeting to allow members time to review the topics. The reports of the meetings are sent to the members by email and are also available for all to read in the organization’s room and on UDK’s website.
Our goal is for every member of the organization to feel safe and valued as part of the organization, just as they are. To ensure this, UDK strives to ensure that all members are heard and can participate in discussions and activities of the organization if they wish to do so. UDK encourages its members to address inappropriate behavior and respect each other’s boundaries to ensure that equality is achieved in the best possible way.
Events, Communication, and Information
UDK regularly organizes a variety of events on topics such as sports, culture, and work life. UDK also organizes alcohol-free events. In no circumstances is alcohol consumption required from the members. Special attention is given to equal pricing and accessibility in event planning. UDK strives to organize as many free activities for its members as possible, and new students have the opportunity to get familiar with the organization’s activities even if they have not paid the membership fee. During sitsit (academic dinner parties), UDK follows TREY’s guide for equal sitsis (Only available in finnish):
UDK takes allergies and special diets into account when providing food. For larger events, event coordinators collect participants' dietary information in advance.
The board regularly collects feedback from UDK’s members on activities and suggestions for events to be organized. Members can provide feedback through special surveys held during the year, directly to board members, or anonymously through the Padlet platform. The contact information of UDK’s board and officers can be found on the website, allowing members to reach out when facing issues related to their studies.
In its communications, UDK strives for accessibility, reachability, professionalism, and transparency. UDK aims for its website to be as accessible as possible. Event newsletters are also sent out in English, and the organization’s website can be viewed in English.
A limited group of individuals has access to UDK’s social media accounts, and these individuals are responsible for ensuring that the principles of equality are followed in communication and publications. Permission is requested from individuals appearing in photos before posting, unless it is a general or large group photo where individuals cannot be identified. Social media posts aim to represent all areas of the organization’s activities, such as publishing diverse images on UDK’s Instagram of different events, updates from the organization, and matters related to the university community.
Gender and Sexuality
UDK adheres to the principles of equality and non-discrimination regarding gender and sexual orientation. No one’s sexuality or gender is mocked, assumed, or otherwise defined. UDK strives to avoid gender stereotypes in its activities, and in forms, the goal is to avoid asking about gender. When gender information is necessary, the option to define one’s own gender is provided without restrictive categories.
Equality official
The board’s equality official reviews the equality plan at the beginning of the year, and necessary changes are approved at the association’s meeting. The equality plan is visible to members on the association’s website and is presented to new students in the fall. The equality official monitors the implementation of the plan and evaluates at the end of the year how well the goals have been met, recording their observations in the activity report, which is accessible to all members.
The equality official must be reachable by members for questions related to equality. The equality official is responsible for the organization’s advocacy together with the education policy and social policy officials, as well as other possible members of the advocacy team. Contact information can be found on UDK’s website.
Cases of Harassment and Bullying
Harassment includes any behavior that involves inappropriate treatment or bullying of another person. This includes any form of belittling, threatening, isolating, humiliating, and violating someone’s bodily integrity. Harassment also includes all forms of discrimination and violations of equality. Harassment is generally perceived as intentional and systematic, but it can also occur unintentionally and as a one-time incident. It can occur between individuals or on a group level. Harassment is against proper conduct and individual rights, and it is important to address it effectively.
Our organization takes all reports and suspicions of harassment seriously and aims to maintain a low threshold for reporting inappropriate behavior. A harassment report form can be found on UDK’s website, which can be filled out anonymously. The form serves as an immediate contact channel for cases of discrimination or bullying. The message sent through the form goes directly to UDK’s equality official, who handles the situation confidentially and forwards it to TREY’s harassment contact persons if necessary. Harassment or other inappropriate behavior can also be reported in person or by email to either UDK’s equality official (, TREY’s harassment contact persons (, or directly to either one of the contacts ( /
UDK’s website also provides Anti-harassment Guidelines, which offer further information on how to proceed if one experiences or witnesses harassment.