Rules of the Association

This is an English translation of the rules of UDK ry. The official rules that UDK utilizes in its activities are written in Finnish, as the association is bound to Finnish law. The purpose of this translation is to provide clarity to our members who do not speak Finnish themselves. Artificial intelligence tools were used in the translation process. The translation was approved by UDK's board on Oct 29th 2024.

UDK ry


1§ Name and Domicile of the Association

The name of the association is UDK ry, and its domicile is Tampere. The official language of the association is Finnish.

2§ Purpose of the Association

The association is a subject association for students of Information Studies, Media Studies, and Game Studies at Tampere University. The purpose of the association is to promote the educational, professional, and social interests of its members and to contribute to the development of teaching and research in these fields.

3§ Tasks of the Association 

To fulfill its purpose, the association:

- Maintains contact with faculty members, university administration, other student associations, and interest groups

- Acts as an interest group to improve the status of students in the field

- May engage in publishing activities

- Organizes recreational and academic activities

- Actively informs its members about UDK ry’s and other university entities’ events and news related to advocacy

- May own movable and immovable property necessary for its activities

4§ Prerequisites for the Association’s Activities

To finance its operations, the association collects membership fees and may sell products such as patches and other items. If desired, it may organize preparatory courses. The association may also accept donations and bequests and organize lotteries and fundraising events with the proper permits to support its activities.

5§ Regular Members

Students and alumni of Information Studies, Media Studies, and Game Studies at Tampere University can be accepted as regular members. Students who have completed at least 20 credits in these fields may also join as members.

Regular members can join by paying a one-time or annual membership fee, which is determined by the autumn meeting of the association.

Regular members are required to provide the necessary membership information during the annual membership survey. The board may remove a member who fails to fulfill this obligation for two consecutive years.

6§ Supporting Members

An individual or a legal entity that wishes to support the association’s purpose and activities may be accepted as a supporting member by paying an annual fee. The amount of the fee is decided at the association’s autumn meeting.

7§ Honorary Members

An individual who has significantly promoted and supported the association’s activities or purpose can be invited as an honorary member. A proposal for honorary membership can be made by a regular or honorary member and requires the unanimous decision of the board. Honorary members do not pay membership fees, and their membership lasts indefinitely unless they resign or are removed.

8§ Rights of Members

Every regular and honorary member has the right to:

- Attend association meetings and exercise the right to speak and vote

- Submit written proposals to the board

- Attend board meetings and exercise the right to speak

- Review the minutes of association and board meetings

- Participate in association events within participation limits and requirements

- Utilize the services offered to members by the association

Every supporting member has the right to:

- Attend association meetings and exercise the right to speak

- Submit written proposals to the board

- Attend board meetings and exercise the right to speak

- Review the minutes of association and board meetings

- Attend association events if invited by the board

- Utilize the services offered to members by the association

9§ Resignation of a Member

A member has the right to resign from the association by notifying the board or its chair in writing. A member may also resign by notifying the association during a meeting, where the resignation will be recorded in the minutes. The resignation takes effect two weeks after the notification.

10§ Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary actions may be imposed on a member if they have damaged the association's operations through their actions inside or outside the association, or if they have seriously or repeatedly violated the association’s guidelines for safer spaces. The authority to impose disciplinary actions lies with the board. Disciplinary measures may include warnings, denial of member services for a specified period, and temporary bans from association premises and events. The association has a disciplinary regulation defining how the board can implement such measures. Changes to the disciplinary regulation require a simple majority at the association's meeting.

11§ Expulsion of a Member

The board may expel a member who has significantly harmed the association through their actions or has seriously or repeatedly violated the association’s guidelines for safer spaces, failed to provide membership information for two consecutive years, or no longer meets the legal or association-defined membership criteria. The expelled member can appeal the decision at the association’s meeting by submitting a written appeal to the board within 30 days of receiving the decision. The association’s meeting decision is final.

12§ The Board

The board consists of the chair and 6–15 other members elected at the autumn meeting. The size of the board is decided first, followed by the election of the members.

The board’s term of office is from January 1st to December 31st.

The board selects from among its members a vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officials.

13§ Duties of the Board

The board leads the association’s activities and manages its finances and property. It prepares the matters to be discussed at the association’s meetings and implements the decisions made there. The board is responsible for preparing the annual report, financial statements, and a proposal for the activity plan and budget. The board is accountable for its actions to the association’s meetings.

14§ Summoning the Board and Quorum

The board is summoned by the secretary on behalf of the chair or, if the chair is unavailable, by the vice-chair and secretary. The board has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the chair or vice-chair, are present.

Decisions of the board are made by a majority of the members present. If votes are tied, the chair’s vote decides, except in personnel elections, where a tie is broken by drawing lots.

15§ Resignation of a Board Member

A board member may resign during their term. A new member may be elected at an association meeting for the remainder of the term, provided that the matter is mentioned in the meeting notice.

16§ Dismissal of the Board

The association’s meeting may dismiss the board during its term with a two-thirds majority of votes cast. A new board must be elected within 30 days to serve for the remainder of the term.

17§ Officers

The board may appoint officers as needed, but only for its term. Officers are assigned responsibilities for specific sectors and are accountable to the board and the association.

18§ Right to Sign the Association’s Name

The chair or vice-chair together with the secretary or treasurer are authorized to sign the association’s name.

19§ Right to Use the Association’s Bank Account

The chair and treasurer have the right to use the association’s bank account. The board may grant this right to another board member.

20§ Financial Year and Auditing

The financial year of the association is from January 1st to December 31st.

The financial statements and related documents must be submitted to the auditors at least two weeks before the spring meeting. The auditors must submit a written statement to the board at least two days before the spring meeting.

The auditors’ term of office is the same as the board’s.

21§ Summoning Association Meetings

The board calls association meetings. The meeting notice must be sent no earlier than two months and no later than two weeks before the meeting to the association’s official email list.

22§ Association Meetings

The autumn meeting of the association is held annually on a date determined by the board between November 1st and December 20th. The spring meeting is held annually on a date determined by the board between February 1st and April 30th.

An extraordinary meeting is held if the board deems it necessary or if at least one-tenth of the voting members or twenty members of the association request it in writing for a specified matter.

Each regular and honorary member has one vote at the association’s meeting. Supporting members have the right to attend and speak.

Records are kept at the meeting, signed by the chair, secretary, and two reviewers. The minutes must be sent to the official email list within a month of the meeting.

If a member wants a matter to be decided at the association’s meeting, they must notify the board in writing at least three weeks before the meeting so that the matter can be included in the meeting notice.

23§ Autumn Meeting

At the autumn meeting, the following matters are addressed:

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Election of the chair, secretary, two reviewers, and two vote counters
  3. Verification of the legality and quorum of the meeting
  4. Decision on membership fees
  5. Approval of the activity plan and budget for the upcoming term
  6. Decision on the size of the board
  7. Election of the board’s chair and other members
  8. Election of two (2) auditors and, if necessary, up to two (0-2) alternate auditors
  9. Other matters mentioned in the meeting notice or presented to the meeting

24§ Spring Meeting

At the spring meeting, the following matters are addressed:

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Election of the chair, secretary, two reviewers, and two vote counters
  3. Verification of the legality and quorum of the meeting
  4. Presentation of the financial statements, board’s annual report, and auditors’ statement
  5. Decision on the approval of the financial statements
  6. Decision on the discharge of the board and other responsible parties
  7. Other matters mentioned in the meeting notice or presented to the meeting

25§ Amendments to the Rules

Amendments to the rules must be approved at two consecutive meetings held at least two weeks apart with a simple majority or at one meeting with a two-thirds majority of votes cast. These rules take effect once they are registered in the association register.

26§ Dissolution of the Association

In the event of the dissolution of the association, its assets will be used to further its purpose in a manner that is decided by the last meeting of the association.

27§ Other provisions

In other aspect of its activities, the association follows the provisions of the current associations act.
